Aims of the residence program:
1. To give artists possibility to work on their creations in peace in resort seaside city Pärnu, up to 4 months period
2. To bring creative artists to Pärnu city, to enliven and enrich cultural activity
3. To create collaboration between local art community with international artists from different countries 4. To give local audience possibility to get to know new international artists and their work
5. To give local art festivals opportunity to work with new artists and put their creation into their program
6. To run educational programs, workshops by Ukrainian artists to local youth, citizens, participants with cultural interest and other target groups.
7. To give possibility to residence artists to make exhibitions in Creative City, Pärnu Town Gallery, Central Library, Endla Theatre and city space.
Criteria for selecting the residency artists:
1. professionally
2. artistic skills
3. willing to collaborate with local art community and presentation to local audiences
4. project description
Residents have possibility to work in studio. There is also sound equipment that residents can use. Artists have the possibility to arrange workshops and happenings to present their art during the residency.
Residency studios situate in Loovlinnak (Joe 10/12, Pärnu, Estonia) where are also studios of various local artists. Common working spaces offer opportunities for a great variety of art making from conventional visual arts to performing and etc. Pärnu offers good facilities for outdoor activities, and all the city services are within a walking or cycling distance. We want to provide facilities for residential to focus on their work.
Please send your materials to
1. Work plan for residence program
2. Portfolio
3. CV