Tartu Printmaking Fest: “Kunstinäitus / Art Exhibition” + La Pocha Nostra & NonGrata
Is this what we all have been waiting for the whole time? Why do we overall need art and moreover art exhibition? Is this the promised European Union and Free Estonian Repuplic? Why do we need all this, if we have printmaking, the oldest type of art in the world? Little did the agient warlords know when they craved wonderful patterns on their swords, that they started the PRINTMAKING FESTIVAL!
Milleks on üleüldse vaja kunsti ja pealegi veel kunstinäitust? Kas see ongi see, mida me kogu aeg oodanud oleme? Kas see ongi lubatud Euroopa Liit ja Vaba Eesti Vabariik? Milleks seda kõike, kui meil on olemas graafika, vanimaid kunstiliike ajaloos?! Kui ürgsed väepealikud lasid oma mõõkadele graveerida toredaid mustreid, ei teadnud nad veel, et see ongi Graafikafestivali algus!
Nüüd me teame!
Nüüd me teame!
Toetavad Tartu Linnavalitsus, Eesti Kultuurkapital, Tartu Kultuurkapital, Diesel Arts ja Tartu linn
Sponsored by: Diesel Arts, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Tartu City & Cultural Endowment of Tartu
▩ Laupäeval 16. jaanuaril Tartu Kunstimajas tasuta workshopid:
Peeter Allik: “Linoollõige särgil ja loominguline joonistamine.” Kaasa joonistus- ja visandipaberit, T-särk ja jäme must veekindel marker.
▩ Free workshops in Tartu Arthouse on Saturday 16th of January: Peeter Allik “Linocut on t-shirt and creative drawing.”
Peeter Allik: “Linoollõige särgil ja loominguline joonistamine.” Kaasa joonistus- ja visandipaberit, T-särk ja jäme must veekindel marker.
▩ Free workshops in Tartu Arthouse on Saturday 16th of January: Peeter Allik “Linocut on t-shirt and creative drawing.”
▩ Näitused Tartu Kunstimajas, Eesti Maaülikooli metsandusmajas ja galeriis Ferrodrumon avatud 13. jaanuarist kuni 7. veebruarini.
▩ Exhibitions open from 13th of January till 7th of February.▩ SUUR FESTIVALI AVAMINE pühapäeval 17. jaanuar kell 17.00 Tartu Kunstimajas:
▩ BIG FESTIVAL OPENING on Sunday 17th of January 5 PM sharp at Tartu Arthouse!
▩ Exhibitions open from 13th of January till 7th of February.▩ SUUR FESTIVALI AVAMINE pühapäeval 17. jaanuar kell 17.00 Tartu Kunstimajas:
▩ BIG FESTIVAL OPENING on Sunday 17th of January 5 PM sharp at Tartu Arthouse!
World famous
LA POCHA NOSTRA (MEX / USA) featuring:
Guillermo Gomez-Peña
Daniel B. Chávez
Dani d’Emilia
Michele Ceballos Michot
together with the notorious
Anonymous Boh
Devil Gril
The Bloody Drunker
and the one and the only
La Pocha Nostra is an ever growing cross-disciplinary arts organization and non-profit based in San Francisco, California with branches in Central and South America, Europe, Asia and the South Pacific.
La Pocha Nostra was founded in 1993 by Guillermo-Gomez-Pena, Roberto Sifuentes and Nola Mariano in Los Angeles. The goal was to formalize conceptually Gomez-Pena’s collaborations with other performance artists.
Core members of La Pocha include Guillermo Gomez-Pena, Roberto Sifuentes, Michelle Ceballos Michot, Saul Garcia Lopez, Dani d’Emilia, Erica Mott, Violeta Luna, Brittany Chávez and over 30 associates worldwide. Our projects range from performance solos and duets to large scale multi-sensory performance installations involving photo, video, sound and projection.
If there is a common denominator, it is our desire to cross and erase dangerous borders including those between art and politics, art practice and theory, artist and spectator – ultimately to dissolve borders and myths of purity whether they be specific to culture, ethnicity, gender or language.
Please visit our website for detailed information.
Peter Rosvik, Finland, is an emergent performance, video and sound artist dealing with issues as the signification of excluded people or material/phenomenons and its implications in political, cultural, media, symbolic or other normative systems in contemporary society. His work focus on the friction and tension that appears between normative and subversive aesthetics. An exploration which he doesn’t see as a violence on political, cultural or other kinds of predominant forces but a means of subverting ideas of the normative represented culture. Rosvik is also one of the founders of the Finnish organisation Platform, which promotes, produces and shows international contemporary art and running a residency program in Vasa, Finland.
With his Non Grata/Diverse Universe International School of Performing Arts headquartered in Estonia, Al Paldrok aka Anonymous Boh, via non-stop world tours, performances, exhibitions, and publications, has created one of the most representative, significant, timely and transformative art movements in all of history. As Ring Master, Al Paldrok has become the Wild Bill Hickok, the P.T. Barnum, the Alfred Jarry, the Tristan Tzara, the Ezra Pound, the Orson Welles of our Era. We have entered The Apocalypse, The Storm. Al Paldrok, implementing all The Arts via Non Grata’s Diverse Universe global performances, reveals to us not only where we presently stand in The Storm but he also conjures visions of our soon to be realized post-apocalyptic absurdly playfully tormented kaleidoscopic landscapes.
Ron Whitehead, outlaw poet