“Non Grata in Seoul” Exhibition Opening!
마포구 서교동 394-25
마포구 서교동 394-25
Anonymous Boh isiknäitus “King of the Corn” avatud Võru Linnagaleriis 5.04. – 29.04.2016.
Kunstnik kohal 4.04 ja avamisel 9.04. Telefon: 5015672
Näitus koondab endasse kreatiivseid aktsioone, graaflisi teoseid, installatsioone, ning tegevuskunsti videodokumentatsioonide, mis on tehtud eri paigus üle maailma – Ameerikas, Aasias, Euroopas.
“Evil Ranch” 2012:2015 Size 1100 x 2600 mm Mixed Media on Aluminium
“Anonymous Boh, via non-stop world tours, performances, exhibitions, and publications, has created one of the most representative, significant, timely and transformative art movements in all of history. As Ring Master, Boh has become the Wild Bill Hickok, the P.T. Barnum, the Alfred Jarry, the Tristan Tzara, the Ezra Pound, the Orson Welles of our Era. We have entered The Apocalypse, The Storm. Boh, implementing all The Arts via NON GRATA’S Diverse Universe global performances, reveals to us not only where we presently stand in The Storm but he also conjures visions of our soon to be realized post-apocalyptic absurdly playfully tormented kaleidoscopic landscapes.
Ron Whitehead, Outlaw Poet, Kentucky
“Al is a grizzly bear with a chain saw in a jack in the box. As dangerous and amusing as that sounds, he’s unpredictable, boundless and one step ahead of all who surround him. His stories are real, his madness is real. Just grab hold and enjoy the ride, this journey has many twists and turns and sometimes there are no roads.”
Andy Cook, Musician and publisher, California
“Parallel Universe” 2008:2015 Size 1100 x 2600 mm Mixed Media on Aluminium
Estonian Anonymous Boh (Al Paldrok) has been active from 1992 on a frameless territory where an art object has seized to exist as a physical piece. The space has many dimensions upon which the activity has been built. Running the performance group Non Grata actually means creating a certain kind of school, Art of The Invisibles, which can be characterized by features as structured chaos, performances in arbitrary environments and interiors.
Raivo Kelomees, Estonia
Notorious Non Grata will once again hit the World capital New York City!
9 days, 6 events and countless of minds blown!
April 14
Event in Torus Hole
113 Stockholm Street, Storefront 1A, Brooklyn, New York 11221
Are you ready for the STORM? Because Kentucky’s Cook Creative has released “MENTAL DISCHARGE”, Diaries of Anonymous Boh part 2 …
April 15
8 PM – 5 AM
AnArkoArtLab presents the 10th NYC Anarchist Art Festival
Judson Memorial Church55 Washington Sq S, New York, New York 10012
April 16
Saturday, April 16 at 11 AM – 7 PM in EDT
2016 NYC Anarchist Book Fair ***10th Anniversary***
Judson Memorial Church55 Washington Sq S, New York, New York 10012
April 21
Thursday, April 21 at 7 PM in EDT
UP ⇡⇡ NYC • underground performance nyc
The Paper Box17 Meadow St, Brooklyn, New York 11206
12. veebruaril avati Pärnu Linnagalerii seinte vahel Non Grata liikumise ja iga-aastase rändava tegevuskunsti festivali Diverse Universe-ga tuntust kogunud Al Paldroki ehk Anonymous Bohi läbilõikenäitus “King Of The Corn”, mis koondab endas kreatiivseid aktsioone, graaflisi teoseid, installatsioone ning tegevuskunsti videodokumentatsioone, mis on tehtud eri paigus üle maailma – Ameerikas, Aasias, Euroopas.
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″]These large-scale prints are representing the outcome of the Non Grata World Tours in Asia, America, and Europe during the years of 2010 – 2015! In every city where Boh and Non Grata performed, somebody from world wide underground stars left his visual mark on the performance documentations – in front of objective, wood cut, screen printing, concrete human resource, memory- or handprint – New Orleans, Beijing, Oklahoma, Texas, Paris, Black Rock City – Burning Man, Miami, Faroe Islands, Berlin, New York![/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″]Teosed on valminud tuuril 2008-2015 Aasias, Ameerikas, Euroopas. Igas linnas on tegevuskunstiaktsioonide dokumentatsioonidele jätnud oma visuaalse kujundikeele jäljenduse keegi ülemaailmse underground-staaridest, seda kas objektiivi ees, puulõikes, siiditrykis, konkreetse inimressursi, mälu- või käejäljena – New Orleansis, Oklahomas, Corpus Christies, Pekingis, Texases, Pariisis, Black Rock City’s Nevadas Burning Manil, Miamis, Fääri Saartel, Islandil, Pariisis, Berliinis, New Yorgis.[/vc_column][/vc_row]
“White Out” Nevada Desert 2007:2015 Size 1100 x 2600 mm Mixed Media on Aluminium
Force Majeure is legal term about Forces what are outside of Human Power and Control – Act of God, Nature, Superior Force. Anonymous Boh series of performances all over the World shows MAN as Force Majeure itself, Ultimate Strength, when Animal Inside You breaks Out, through the layer of Civilisation, on Loose …
www.lekker.bar @ Vabaduse Väljak 10, Tallinn, Estonia
This Friday in Luunja “Meie Aja Kangelane – Hero of Our Times” gallery Anonymoys Boh “10 New Commandments” opening – Tartu Print Festival 2016 continues …
05.02 Luunja kultuurireede 18.00
Näituse avamine galeriis Meie Aja Kangelane Anonymous Boh “10 KÄSKU”
Näitus avatakse Tartu V Graafikafestivali raames!
Pärast avamist Eesti Kaasaegse Kunsti Muuseumi kuraatori Anders Härm vestlus kaasaegsest kunstist
Toetab Eesti Kultuurkapital
Info 5331 0902
Tartu Kunstimajas, Eesti Maaülikooli metsandusmajas ja galeriis Ferrodrumon.
Photos by Justin Matousek