Anonymous Boh

Anonymous Boh propose de tout recommencer depuis le début, en imaginant “10 nouveaux Commandements » – 10 règles de survie à suivre dans monde contemporain. De nos jours, les problèmes de l’homme semblent étroitement liés à ce “manuel d’utilisation” vieux de 2000 ans dont les bienfaits s’avèrent être révolus depuis longtemps. En pastichant les commandements bibliques, cette symbolique s’adresse directement à l’œil de l’illettré. Au final, l’artiste garantit à 100% que cette nouvelle formule du bonheur fonctionne indéniablement si ces nouvelles règles sont suivies avec rigueur !
Les visuels de ces “10 Commendements” proviennent des paysages de performances autour du monde : « Parallel Universe – Force Majeure », « Extravaganza Shooting », « Beauty of The Car Accident » et bien d’autres encore…
« Anonymous Boh, ne cesse de tourner à travers le monde avec des performances, expositions, des publications et créé ainsi le plus significatif, transformatif et opportun des mouvements d’art de l’Histoire contemporaine. Il est le nouveau Wild Bill Hickok, le P.T. Barnum, l’Alfred Jarry, le Tristan Tzara, l’Ezra Pound, l’Orson Welles de notre ère. Nous entrons dans l’Apocalypse, la Tempête. Boh, met en œuvre tous les arts via les performances de NON GRATA et DIVERSE UNIVERSE. Ces travaux ne nous révèlent pas seulement que nous tenons en pleine de la Tempête mais font apparaître les visions de notre monde post-apocalyptique et les conjurent dans un paysage espiègle et kaléidoscopique torturé. »
Ron Whitehead, Outlaw Poet, Kentucky
Anonymous Boh “10 KÄSKU”
Anonymous Boh võtab ette ja algab algusest, tulles välja uue 10 käsuga (Kaasaegsed Ellujäämise Reeglid). Tänapäeva kaasasegse inimese probleemid on seotud suuresti sellega, et tegutsemisjuhised on 2000 aastat vanad ja “parim enne” ammu möödas. Piibli eeskujul saadab käske visualiseering kirjaoskamatutele, igal juhul annab kunstnik kaasa 100% garantii, et õnne valem töötab, kui käske eranditult ja vastuvaidlematult järgida.
10 käsu visualiseering on tuletatud lõpututest reisidest avatud maastikel, millest minimudeleid ja installatsioonid “Force Majeure”, “Extravaganza Shooting”, “Beauty of The Car Accident”. Ja veel ….
Anonymous Boh “10 NEW COMMANDMENTS”
Anonymous Boh starts from the beginning, by coming out with New 10 Commandments – Contemporary Surviving Rules. Nowadays the problems of contemporary human being are mainly connected with 2000 years old operating instructions which best before is long gone. Along the example of Bible, the visualization is sent to illiterated. After all the artist gives 100 % quarantine that the formula of happiness works if to follow the rules without exception and incontrovertibly.
Visualization of “10 commandments” is outcome of world wide trips on open landscapes of Parallel Universe – “Force Majeure”, “Extravaganza Shooting”, “Beauty of The Car Accident”. And Even More …
“Anonymous Boh, via non-stop world tours, performances, exhibitions, and publications, has created one of the most representative, significant, timely and transformative art movements in all of history. As Ring Master, Boh has become the Wild Bill Hickok, the P.T. Barnum, the Alfred Jarry, the Tristan Tzara, the Ezra Pound, the OrsonWelles of our Era. We have entered The Apocalypse, The Storm. Boh, implementing all The Arts via NON GRATA’S Diverse Universe global performances, reveals to us not only where we presently stand in The Storm but he also conjures visions of our soon to be realized post-apocalyptic absurdly playfully tormented kaleidoscopic landscapes.
Ron Whitehead, Outlaw Poet, Kentucky
“Al is a grizzly bear with a chain saw in a jack in the box. As dangerous and amusing as that sounds, he’s unpredictable, boundless and one step ahead of all who surround him. His stories are real, his madness is real. Just grab hold and enjoy the ride, this journey has many twists and turns and sometimes there are no roads.”
Andy Cook, Musician and publisher, California
By obtaining its reputation as an alternative, Boh, has swooped onto the global art landscape without looking back. Performances, art tours organized in tens of cities across Europe, Asia and America have turned the notoriously alternative Non Grata into a creative collective who are much better known elsewhere than in Estonia. Their experience is not a subject much talked about, although artistic activity transcending boundaries of art and countries is today’s artist’s most desirable self-realization.
Estonian Anonymous Boh (Al Paldrok) has been active from 1992 on a frameless territory where an art object has seized to exist as a physical piece. The space has many dimensions upon which the activity has been built. Running the performance group Non Grata actually means creating a certain kind of school, Art of The Invisibles, which can be characterized by features as structured chaos, performances in arbitrary environments and interiors.
Raivo Kelomees, Estonia